Kek Lapis RLina's
After the hand-made chocolate lessons, I went to Anis's to further gather more knowledge on how to make a proper Kek Lapis. I had a great desire to learn how to make Kek Lapis and finally I had time to spare for the lessons. I must thank my dearest husband for allowing me to attend all the classes and give moral support for the intention of gathering knowledge and skills on baking cakes. Not forgetting I also thank Anis's for giving me a very good tutorial on the Kek Lapis baking. At last, I managed to bake the Kek Lapis as shown by the following shots which I named as Rlina's Kek Lapis.
Today, for the first time I finally managed to bake my favourite cake, Kek Lapis!!!. I was trying hard to bake this cake since I was 19 years old without a proper recipe. At last, after over 3 (three) decades my dream finally came is a reality. I am really proud of myself because my husband begin to eat a lot of it (under normal circumstances he doesn't really like cakes, may be because it is tasty). He he he :))))) *Happy mood* . Check out my RLina's Kek Lapis!!!
Look out for my next baked Cheese Cake {I haven't baked for the last 6(six) years because my children grew up and went overseas and there was noone to eat the cake at home}.
For those interested to order the RLina's Kek Lapis please make the order ASAP and also suitable for Ramadhan month and Eid Mubarak.
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